

Operator Finds Tweets...
watching now containing both “watching” and “now”. This is the default operator.
“happy hour” containing the exact phrase “happy hour”.
love OR hate containing either “love” or “hate” (or both).
beer -root containing “beer” but not “root”.
#haiku containing the hashtag “haiku”.
from:interior sent from Twitter account “interior”.
list:NASA/astronauts-in-space-now sent from a Twitter account in the NASA list astronauts-in-space-now
to:NASA a Tweet authored in reply to Twitter account “NASA”.
@NASA mentioning Twitter account “NASA”.
politics filter:safe containing “politics” with Tweets marked as potentially sensitive removed.
puppy filter:media containing “puppy” and an image or video.
puppy -filter:retweets containing “puppy”, filtering out retweets
puppy filter:native_video containing “puppy” and an uploaded video, Amplify video, Periscope, or Vine.
puppy filter:periscope containing “puppy” and a Periscope video URL.
puppy filter:vine containing “puppy” and a Vine.
puppy filter:images containing “puppy” and links identified as photos, including third parties such as Instagram.
puppy filter:twimg containing “puppy” and a pic.twitter.com link representing one or more photos.
hilarious filter:links containing “hilarious” and linking to URL.
puppy url:amazon containing “puppy” and a URL with the word “amazon” anywhere within it.
superhero since:2015-12-21 containing “superhero” and sent since date “2015-12-21” (year-month-day).
puppy until:2015-12-21 containing “puppy” and sent before the date “2015-12-21”.
movie -scary :) containing “movie”, but not “scary”, and with a positive attitude.
flight :( containing “flight” and with a negative attitude.
traffic ? containing “traffic” and asking a question.
URL encode

Search query URL encoded query
#haiku #poetry %23haiku+%23poetry
“happy hour” :) %22happy%20hour%22%20%3A%29


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