
Chrome 42 或者更高的版本将不支持 NPAPI插件

昨天更新了Chrome43 版本,发现NPAPI插件已经彻底不能用了,这个NPAPI插件我现在知道的是,百度云有在用,所以希望百度能马上更新掉,毕竟已经被淘汰的东西了。 引用google原文:

NPAPI plugins don't work on Chrome version 42 and higher Plugins allow extra features to be added to browsers. For example, you can watch certain types of videos or play a game that’s on a webpage.

NPAPI support has ended In the past, many plugins were developed using an older system called NPAPI. Today fewer sites are using NPAPI plugins and they can sometimes cause security risks on websites.

To make browsing with Chrome safer, faster, and more stable, we’re ending support for NPAPI plugins with Chrome version 42.

Which plugins are supported Plugins that use a newer, more secure system called Pepper API (PPAPI) will continue to work, including those that come with Chrome, like Adobe Flash and PDF Viewer. If Flash or PDF doesn’t automatically load, make sure that you have the PPAPI plugin version enabled in Chrome.

Plugins that use NPAPI, including Silverlight, Java, and Unity, won’t work

How to enable PPAPI plugins Open Chrome. In the address bar at the top, type chrome://plugins and press Enter. Click Details. Scroll down to "Adobe Flash Player." Under "Type: PPAPI," click Enable. How to temporarily enable NPAPI plugins If you must use a NPAPI plugin, there’s a temporary workaround that will work until Chrome version 45 is released later in 2015:

Open Chrome. In the address bar at the top of the screen, type chrome://flags/#enable-npapi In the window that opens, click the link that says Enable under the Enable NPAPI flag. In the bottom left corner of the page, click the Relaunch Now button. After the release of Chrome version 45, you’ll need to use an alternate web browser to load content that requires a NPAPI plugin.

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