原创 Java j2ee(servlet tomcat7) 运行opencv成功的例子 方法一 因为之前都是在j2se上进行运用,现在写一个demo文件,j2ee中需要在VMarguments中添加:\opencv\opencv\build\java\x64 后面的路径就是我安装opencv的路径(实际上是解压)。实际上最后一个VMarguments可以不用添加。 2016-05-20 浏览(993) 评论(0) 阅读全文
原创 Java OpenCV 3.0 Computer Vision with Java(PACKT,2015) As the Internet gets more and more interactive, a subject of great interest is how to deal with image processing on the server side that enables you to create web applications dealing with OpenCV. As 2016-05-19 浏览(1,124) 评论(0) 阅读全文