
Uninstall Office 2013, Office 2016, or Office 365 from a Windows computer

This article is for Office 365 Home, Office 365 Personal, Office 365 University, Office 365 for business, Office 2013, and Office 2016. 本文仅针对office 356 Home,Office 365 Personal, Office 365 University, Office 365 for business, Office 2013, and Office 2016.

Uninstall using Control Panel 使用控制面板卸载。 1.Go to Control Panel. 1.前往控制面板

windows 10 中(windows 8 /8.1 也是),右键单击开始菜单(左下角),之后点击“控制面板”

windows 7 中,点击开始菜单,之后点击控制面板。

2.Click Programs > Programs and Features. 2.点击 程序 > 程序和功能

3.Right-click the Office application you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. 3.右键点击你想卸载的Office 应用程序,之后点击卸载

Uninstall using the Fix it tool 使用Fix it 工具卸载 If uninstalling using Control Panel doesn't work, use the Fix it tool instead. 如果使用控制面板不能卸载,请使用Fix it 工具来代替


Uninstall Office manually 手动卸载Office

If the Fix it tool doesn't completely uninstall Office from your PC, you can manually: 如果Fix it 工具没有完全卸载Office,你可以: Remove Office 2013 or Office 365 Remove Office 2016 or Office 365

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